The Municipal Tourism Council - COMTUR was established on June 12, 2015 through Municipal Law number: 1,679, with 1/3 of representatives from the Public Power and 2/3 from the Private Initiative.
Meetings take place every 30 days and anyone interested in the development of tourism in the municipality can participate.
Comtur - Municipal Tourism Council
President: Douglas Constantino
Executive Secretary: Vanderci Pessotti Filho
Representatives of the Municipal Public Power:
Tourism Representative
Owner: Vanderci Aparecido Pessotti Filho
Substitute: Noeli Lorenzato Gomes
Culture Representative
Owner: Marli Donega Lara Santos
Substitute: Marajane Daneze de Oliveira
Environment Representative
Owner: Eginaldo Luis Elias
Substitute: Exupério de Souza Marques
Education Representative
Owner: Fernanda Balsamo Ferracini
Substitute: Andrea Silvia Biagi Moroti
Civil Society Representatives:
Accommodation representative
Owner: Patrícia Aparecida Tovo
Substitute: Maria Aparecida Veronez Lorenzato
Representatives of distinguished restaurants and bars.
Owner: Luciana Ninin Scaliante
Substitute: Álvaro Veronez
Club and recreation representatives
Holder: Monalisa Aparecida Silva
Substitute: Edewilson Basso
Rural Tourism Representatives
Owner: Viviane Aparecida Veronez Ciffoni
Substitute: Lidiane Camila Zardi
Craftsman Representative;
Owner: Marcela Rodrigues da Cruz
Substitute: Lucinete Jardim
Representative of Tourismologists:
Owner: Elziane Ferreira Silva Sandrim
Substitute: Maria Lucia Negri
Representative of Gas Station Owners:
Owner: Marco Aurelio Marcari
Substitute: Douglas Constantino
Representatives of the Commercial Association:
Holder: Fabiana Aparecida Tovo Zocal
Substitute: Paulo Roberto Bissaco de Almeida